GI Health Coaching 

This package is for those who are seeking GI relief and support. Modern medicine can only place a “band-aid” on your symptoms. I offer Sensitive Microbiome Testing to get to the “root” of your GI issues and help you become more balanced. My focus is helping clients feel better and educate them on how to increase their quality of life.

3 to 6 month commitment

Highlights of whats included:

sensitive Microbiome testing 

 I utilize BiomeFX sensitive microbiome testing to see exactly what microorganisms you are missing and the imbalance in your GI system.


BiomeFX testing takes approximately 3 weeks to get back, so it is important to send off your test kit as soon as possible.

I will schedule a counseling appointment to go over your results within 7 days after test is complete. 


I create a Personalized Health Plan for you! You will receive a detailed health plan that includes:

1. Recommended foods to help your                               microbiome flourish.

2. A customized supplement plan that includes        pharmaceutical supplements.
3. Educational materials to help you learn more       about your health concerns and the “root”              cause of illness.

4. An emailed summary of your health plan                 including all materials and discount links.


Each week we will meet via in-person, phone, or zoom to discuss how you are feeling and any changes we need to make to your plan. 

Here are a few topics:

+ One on one tutorials on how to create easy meals, fermented foods, and even growing your own garden!

+ Suggest Lifestyle changes on how to manage stress and increase energy.

+ Symptom discussions and how to meet your specific needs.

+ Learn how to talk with your doctor so they will take you seriously.

Book free consultation

The Process:

Free Consultation

During your free consultation we will go over your health histories and struggles. We will talk about your goals and how I can help you.

After your free consultation I will send you over an Invoice and contract. After that is paid and signed I will order your microbiome test. It usually take a week to arrive and from there you can take the test and mail it off. 


Results usually take three weeks to come in. Once I get the results I will reach out to you to schedule your results consultation where we will go over the results and your personalized Health Plan and schedule our next session.


After your results consultation we will meet weekly to go over each phase of your plan. I will explain the why to my recommendations and we can chat about how you are feeling what's improving and what needs more work.

Book free consultation

GI Health Coaching 

This package is for those who are seeking GI relief and support. Modern medicine can only place a “band-aid” on your symptoms. I offer Sensitive Microbiome Testing to get to the “root” of your GI issues and help you become more balanced. My focus is helping clients feel better and educate them on how to increase their quality of life.

3 to 6 month commitment

Highlights of whats included:

sensitive Microbiome testing 

It is important to know what good and bad bacteria are imbalanced in your GI tract. These microorganisms help create important functions of the body that maintain health and wellness. I utilize BiomeFX sensitive microbiome testing to see exactly what microorganisms you are missing and where
the imbalance is in your GI system. No more paying for expensive products that you don’t need!

Book free consultation


BiomeFX testing takes approximately 3 weeks to get back, so it is important to send off your test kit as soon as possible. After your test results are received, I will schedule a counseling appointment to go over your results within 7 days. You will receive an emailed copy of your comprehensive BiomeFX results to go over at our counseling appointment. The results are an eye opener so bring your questions!!!!


I  create a Personalized Health Plan for you! You will receive a detailed health plan that includes:

1. Recommended foods to help your microbiome flourish. 
2. A customized supplement plan that includes links to special discounts on              pharmaceutical grade science-based supplements.
3. Educational materials to help you learn more about your health concerns and        the “root” cause of illness.
4. An emailed summary of your health plan including all materials and discounts.

Weekly Phase Counseling

Each week we will meet via in-person, phone, or zoom to discuss how you are feeling and any changes we need to make to your plan.

Here are a few topics:

+ One on one tutorials on how to create easy meals, fermented foods, and          even growing your own garden!
+ Suggest Lifestyle changes on how to manage stress and increase energy.
+ Symptom discussions and how to meet your specific needs.
+ Learn how to talk with your doctor so they will take you seriously.

The Process:

Free Consultation

During your free consultation we will go over your health histories and struggles. I will also go over the benefits of microbiome testing and what to expect working with me. 

Book free consultation

Microbiom testing

After your free consultation I will send you over an Invoice and contract. After that is paid and signed I will order your microbiome test. It usually take a week to arrive and from there you can take the test and mail it off. 

Schedule Result review

Results usually take three weeks to come in. Once I get the results I will reach out to you to schedule your results consultation where we will go over the results and your personalized Health Plan and schedule our next session.


After your results consultation we will meet weekly to go over each phase of your plan. I will explain the why to my recommendations and we can chat about how you are feeling what's improving and what needs more work.

"My focus is helping clients feel better and educating them on how to increase their
quality of life."